Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dpo symptoms

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 months. This month, I just had that instinct that I will be conceiving.

People will say that you do not know you are pregnant until you miss you period. Wrong! I knew on ovulation day that I will be getting a positive pregnancy test. It was just a strong instinct feeling I had. I decided to keep track of all my feelings so that others can relate.

0-5dpo I did not feel anything. Even without symptoms, I knew my body was about to go through some majors symptoms.

6dpo I felt a little nauseated as and sore breast

7dpo I had a very sharp pain on my side, cramped all day long, and felt so tired. (Must of been implantation day). I thought since I was having symptoms that maybe I had enough pregnancy hormones to get a positive pregnancy test. It was negative. I thought it would be but it was worth a shot.

8dpo Nausea, period like cramps, sore breast and fatigue

9dpo Sore and heavy breast. Also, tingling in my breast. Stronger cramps. Hot flashes.

10dpo Faint positive on Alices high sensitivity pregnancy strips and a darker positive on the dollar tree brand. I really did not feel any symptoms because I was so excited.

11dpo I had to test again. It was c definitely positive. I also had cramping, felt constipated, felt bloated, and dizzy

12dpo woke up very tired and nauseated. Breast felt heavy all day.

13dpo I felt like I was going to start my period. Breast felt so heavy and I cramped all day.

14dpo I was suppose to start my period. I woke up hungry again. Heavy breast and tingling. I would randomly get dizzy.

15dpo 1st day of missed period. Cramping on my sides. Sensitive to smells. Felt out of it all day

Dollar tree pregnancy test

I've seen a lot of post asking if the $1 Dollar Tree is accurate. Well at 10dpo (4 days before I was suppose to start my period) I was able to get a clear positive.
That week I knew I was pregnant. I just had that feeling that I was. I bought some really cheap test off Ebay called Alices high sensitivity pregnancy test. On 10 dpo I decided to take a pregnancy test. Well, I got a very faint line. So faint I thought it was not a positive. I took another test and it was the same. I wanted to be sure so I went to the dollar tree to pick up a test.
When I got home, I took the test immediately. It confirmed that yes, I am pregnant. The line was so much more darker.
Here is a pic of the two test took about 15min apart.